
In One Chart: Why investors are back to a ‘grab for yield,’ according to Mizuho strategist

The U.S. economy isn't in the ditch, which is giving a boost to riskier corporate bonds, according to Mizuho Securities.

Key Words: Grandson references ‘final chapter,’ but Carter Center observes that there has been no change in the health status of former president or first lady

Jimmy Carter's 99th birthday is Oct. 1. Rosalynn Carter turned 96 on Friday.

: Brands like Bud Light and Target have always tried to embrace social causes. Here’s why they just can’t win.

"There's always going to be friction." Large corporations have supported causes for almost as long as the U.S. has had large corporations, and always will.

Mark Hulbert: Why the stock market’s weakness doesn’t mean the bears are in charge

Most U.S. market sectors that normally do the best at the end of bull markets have been laggards.

Brett Arends's ROI: These bonds, perfect for retirees, are paying twice their historic average

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: Nikola warns 2023 deliveries at risk over recall of more than 200 trucks

Electric-truck maker says it may incur "significant" costs over recall that could put its whole business at risk.

The Moneyist: What happens to 529 plans in the event of a divorce? My in-laws opened accounts for our kids, but their marriage is on the rocks. 

"How can I protect the 529 plans for my children's use?"

Market Extra: Jeremy Grantham’s GMO plans its first ETF, a fund that will target quality stocks

Legendary investor Jeremy Grantham’s GMO is planning to offer an exchange-traded fund that will invest in U.S. quality stocks, the firm’s first ETF as it responds to demand in the wealth management industry.

: Republican presidential debate: What time it starts, how to watch and more

The first debate in the 2024 Republican presidential primary is due to take place Wednesday night. Here are some key questions and answers about the event.

: Job seekers are being offered $9,000 more than a year ago, but workers are feeling more insecure

Job seekers are also expecting higher salaries than a year ago, according to the latest report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

The Ratings Game: Palo Alto Networks’ stock surges toward best day in two years amid massive relief rally

Palo Alto Networks Inc. shares are basking in the ultimate relief rally Monday after the company's Friday night earnings scare proved a fakeout.

Real Retirement: This business owner can retire with peace of mind, ‘knowing the company is in good hands’

The founder and chairman of American Pacific Mortgage in California sold the company to its employees through a partial employee stock ownership plan.
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